This is the street where we lived for 3-4 years in the first house on to the right - Mr. Ponnada Kumar's house in 1985-88. I was studying 8th std at that time. Opposite tiled roof one- Challa vaari Illu. అప్పట్లో ఆ అరుగు ఆ వీధికి రచ్చబండ...వచ్చేపోయేవాళ్ళతో చాలా సందడిగా వుండేది...పండగల్లో చతుర్ముఖ పారాయణం కూడా జరిగేది. Left yellow one is Mr. Kotni Satyanarayana's House -(an Advocate by proffession, and రంగస్థల పద్యాలూ ... నాటకాలు అంటే చెవి కోసుకొనే మనిషి....We used to hear so many padyaalu and the advocate playing harmonium. you can see in the picture a car parked on the left side row... that is BCT hospital site. I have been to this street after 20 years as a consultant for BCT for their Hospital Project.